Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Monday...

I figured you might need a good laugh since the end of a long weekend can be a bit depressing, so I highly recommend that you check out the Farmer Love posts at Food on Food. It is some of the funniest writing I've come across yet.

Another one of my random frugality tips for those of you who don't always make your own butter: save the wrappers for greasing baking sheets. I fold them in half and seal them inside a ziploc bag, stored in the refrigerator until it's time to bake. Simply let sit at room temperature for a few minutes, and wipe across the baking sheet. It's something that would be thrown away otherwise, and it helps me avoid some of those mystery ingredients in those spray on it eliminates the waste of the spray cans.

Finally, as promised, a photo of my current project:


hmd said...

What a great idea! Thanks! I'll start doing that. The project is coming along nicely, by the way!

Jen said...

How lovely!

Green Bean said...

Beautiful! And thanks for the tip. I almost always make my own butter these days but every now and then we get storebought and I don't know what to do with those wrappers.

Connie said...

Beautiful! Tree of life?

Thanks for the tip - it is just in time as I have been contemplating my recent dependance on the wasteful and pricy spray can on the bread loaf pans where I didn't used to use it.

I'll head over for a funny.

tammy said...

Hey, thanks for the link! Just when you think local food can't get any more delicious, you meet your farmer!

Melissa said...

heather, glad you can use the tip!

jen, thanks, it's a lot of fun too!

green bean, I like making my own butter, but I'm not sure it's cost effective. Which of course begs the question of why butter is as inexpensive as it is?

verde, thanks! it's just called "laden" by the woman who drew the pattern, but I was thinking of it as a tree of life. it's funny how making one positive change leads to other dilemmas, isn't it?

Melissa said...

tammy, you're welcome! I have avoided farm open house day ever since reading your posts because I don't want to experience that rollercoaster of emotions your farmer has put you through ;0)